(Virtual) Nancy VanKanegan: hOMe
Opening: Friday, Apr 10, 2020 5 – 10 pmFriday, Apr 10 – May 9, 2020
3816 W Armitage Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
Please contact the gallery as our plans have changed in April 2020 due to shelter-in-place orders for COVID-19
Never has a show title been more fitting! Follow the details in our next exhibition: hOMe with @vankanegan.
An exhibition of art by Nancy VanKanegan. hOMe is defined as: A place where something flourishes, is most typically found, or from which it originates. (https://www.lexico.com/definition/home) whatever else hOMe is—and however it entered our consciousness—it’s a way of organizing space in our minds. (Verlyn Klinkenborg)
The primary home is the body itself. The work of the body is to observe, sustain, protect, rebuild when necessary, and most important to create: and then to share.
The word OM represents the creation of sound from deep within the body, the sound echoing in the chamber of the physical self-transmittal of the interior to the outside–and a return to silence. The silence of the home deep within.
Opening Reception:
Opening Friday, April 10TH, 5–10pm virtual opening only. The Opening will be a multi-faceted Facebook and Instagram Live event and closed to the public. Opening date: Friday, April 10th, 5–10pm
People are invited to see the show via private appointments, but the opening is closed to the public. Personal showings will require the attendee to follow the social distancing rules of Oliva Gallery. Only paired couples and individuals will be allowed to see the show at one time. No more than 3 total people will be admitted at any one time. So at the opening, we will do a virtual launch on FB and Instagram Live. We will be open for the duration of the show via private appointment. The exhibition will run through May 9TH, 2020.
Image: Nancy VanKanegan