
Revolution Every Day

Sep 14, 2017 - Jan 14, 2018
The University of Chicago, 5550 S. Greenwood, Chicago, IL 60637

Exhibition on view: September 14-January14, 2017

Opening reception: Wednesday, September 27, 6:30-8:30pm

Presented on the centenary of the Russian Revolution, this exhibition juxtaposes Soviet posters from the 1920s and 1930s with works on video and film with a focus on the experiences of women under (and after) communism.

Artists: Lene Berg, Maria Bri-Bein, Olga Chernysheva, Aleksandr Deineka, Elizaveta Ignatovich, Gustav Klutsis, Vitaly Komar, Viktor Koretsky, Valentina Kulagina, Anri Sala, Cauleen Smith, Dziga Vertov, and others.

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