Sonntag Distinguished Scholar Art Lecture Series: Art, Science and Iconoclsm during the Protestant Reformation

Sunday, May 6, 2018 2 – 4 pm

Sunday, May 6, 2018  -  2:00pm to 4:00 pm - Kindlon Hall - 5th Floor
Mary Quinlan, PhD - Northern Illinois University

Professor Mary Quinlan is a specialist in the Italian Renaissance and received her Ph.D. in Art History at the University of Chicago. She has published and lectured on relations between Italian Renaissance poetry and the visual arts, as well as on relations between Renaissance science, art, and religion. Her new book, Influences: Art, Optics, and Astrology in the Italian Renaissance was published by the University of Chicago Press, 2013; paperback edition 2016. Currently she is working on a book project on the history of vision, visual psychology, and art in Early Modern Europe.