
Summer 2018 Publisher's Letter: Creativity Knows No Limits

Living in an apartment with young children who love to be outside, summer in our home means having time to finally do just that. After a long winter (and spring) we make the extra effort when school’s out to find ways to get creative and make each outing an adventure, whether it be a picnic, a walk for ice cream or a jump in a puddle. 

A few years ago I attended a talk by famed sculptor Richard Hunt. He spoke, at the time, about how everyone has an inherent tendency to be creative. As adults we encourage children to be creative, but  the ability to create is still present in ourselves when we are grown up, and the many obligations of daily life mean that we really can benefit from creative outlets and expression more than ever. The act of creating helps us to redefine situations, resolve problems, and personalize our environments. But still we may doubt ourselves or we don’t make creativiy a priority. The reason, according to Hunt, that we are unabashedly creative when we are young is that in order to be truly creative, you can’t know what you are doing. That knowledge makes us afraid to fail.

This issue of CGN offers opportunities to embrace the creativity of others. Through observing and exploring art, and understanding that you cannot fail by trying, I hope you’re inspired to be creative youself.

90-year-old painting legend Alex Katz, like Hunt, is still making new art. After decades of exhibiting his famed style around the world, the artist recently found new inspiration right outside his studio door; the results are fresh as well as complex. Even when it comes to his own art, there is no right answer.

Artist Richard Rezac, whose show, Address, at the Renaissance Society spans 20 years, has always done his work deliberately and in his unique way. He is well known in the art community, but many of you will be glad to learn about him for the first time.

Brooklyn-based Fabiola Jean-Louis is just beginning her artistic career. Through her work she shares a view of history, one that requires creativity to tell and to understand.

Collectors Brian Westphal and Michael McVickar lead typical professional lives during the day, but they took a chance on renovating a unique home, making an inviting space for art appreciation. 

Franck Mercurio talked to a number of galleries, who, prompted by rising rents but unafraid of change, are moving to Chicago’s West Side in search of a new vibrant community and a fresh start.

Creativity keeps the ball rolling, in the art world of course, as well as in life. We are all grown up with things to do, but this summer soak up some inspiration and create space for art in your life. Be spontaneous and unafraid. The next time you’re in Millennium Park, look for my children and me. No one said there was an age limit for splashing in the Crown Fountain.

– Ginny Van Alyea


Top image: Jaume Plensa’s Crown Fountain in Millennium Park; photo Patrick Pyszka.